(Sept 12, 2016 update: these videos can be found somewhere on Youtube but they had to be removed due to some dirty hacker messing with our site)
I finally got my hands on the video we shot during the Trash the Dress shoot in Mexico. Here’s the scene we had to work with. One big hole in the ground, ropes, ladders, french scuba divers and randomly placed holes the perfect size for a photographer to fall through if he’s not looking where he’s watching.
The story I’ve been telling about this shoot was obviously false because in the real life recorded version I exhibit no concern, shock or panic as Dave exclaims, “I think I broke my toe”. I clearly was set on getting Jenny and that dress into the rope swing. On this video, I am a heartless man. In my version I carried Dave on my back to the hospital 60 miles away. This part was obviously left on the cutting room floor. I am comforted by the fact that Cheryl simply says, “Hmph, probably coral….Jenny do you want your bikini” and then as blood fills the pool she directs Jenny into the rope swing to get the shoot rollin. Consummate professional she is.
I’m happy to say that our concern for the little toe was so great that no video was recorded until we all had our wits about us and no one was going to pass out or throw up.It wasn’t until we moved Dave’s little toe to the side and stood eye to toe with his little toe ligaments that we turned that cenote into mini ER. Take note of the stellar first aid skills on Donal O’Neil and the navy blue resort towel pillow and bandage set. If MacGyver was there he would have stepped aside.
i love it when shoots turn into stories. thanks D+J.
(big thanks to Cheryl and D for being my last minute assistants/DOP/Medics and video tapers. I won’t even complain about the sideways video….)
don’t bring me down with you, ya heartless basterd! We’re all remarkably calm in hindsight…felt more stressful being there….ah the magic of time. xo
I think the funniest part is, the local talking to Liam as though he is fluent in Spanish
[…] concern for the dress getting wet or dirty or makeup running or seaweed getting in your hair or…little toes almost falling off. It’s a great change of pace from wedding photography where everything happens on timelines […]
[…] concern for the dress getting wet or dirty or makeup running or seaweed getting in your hair or…little toes almost falling off. It’s a great change of pace from wedding photography where everything happens on timelines […]