I first met Michelle at a wedding (Sarah + Matthew Pickup) about 2 years ago. A group of people were outside of the reception hall ‘refreshing drinks’ and I happened to grab a photo of her that remains one of my favorites to this day. It was just a candid shot but it totally summed up the 5 minutes that I spent outside with them all. It was one of those ‘this reception is going to get crazy’ kind of groups. Garett was away with the OPP at the time so I didn’t get the chance to meet him until we did this shoot.
We met at Seaview Park with all of our dogs and then we hit the streets of Halifax for a few more shots without the canines. I think Michelle said something like, “I’m not a model so take it easy on us”. Well, if this is her Not a Model work then I’m really looking forward to the wedding when she gets all dressed up and rolls in to Hatfield Farms for the wedding.
Wow Liam What a beutiful couple.