i’m a bit of a talk radio junky. CBC, 95.7, podcasts etc. pretty much every topic is interesting and i’m starting to think that when you hit 65 or 70 years of age, its perfectly acceptable to drink heavily and call in to talk radio programs.
doesn’t that sound better than 3 minutes w Nickelback?
i did an interview with Get Totally Rad a few months ago and we talked for over an hour about all things photography. it was a ton of fun and I wanted more.
one of the great things about being a wedding photographer is that you meet a lot of different people all the time. DJs, wedding planners, event coordinators, chefs, drivers, pepper mill grinders…all with a story.
I called up a few friends in the wedding business and asked if they wanted to talk on the phone for a while. anything and everything wedding related. they said yes. that was my business plan.
so here’s what I’m going to do…every Wednesday i’m going to call up someone in the wedding business in Nova Scotia and talk to them about what they do. hotel locations like the Marriot Harbourfront or Pier 21, wedding planners, make up artists, bridal shop owners, photographers and videographers and caterers.
each session will be posted on the website with contact information and web links.
a resource. for anyone that wants it.
got somebody you want to hear from? let me know.
think of it as a wedding audio magazine with zero experience in audio magazining or anything else remotely associated w talk radio, broadcasting or interviewing for that matter. i’m no Andrew Krystal.
regardless, it will be fun.
stay tuned.