I was watching a social media discussion online last week and an interesting point was brought up about getting your stuff ‘out there’ and just how ‘out there’ was too much? Did you see the episode of The Office when they tried to create WUPHF.com? A program where, in an attempt to reach someone, you send one message and it reaches that person’s cell, email, facebook, twitter, fax etc etc all at once. No thanks.
When you do finally get it ‘out there’ is it just the same as all the other blog posts? If everyone is doing the same thing…how do you stand out?
I notice it myself when I post on Facebook and then Twitter it pops up all over the place and then there’s a link from my Applehead Studio facebook page and my personal page and my twitter link and reposts from people. Its kind of like screaming children…after a while you just learn to look away and not even take notice.
So I thought, instead of showing you all the flashy good shots I’d post a blog that gave a little peek into my creative process as I try and find the right shoe shot. It’s not always pretty and sometimes its just…wrong. It’s ok to laugh. Normally a lot of these would end up in the trash…but this time I saved them so you could see what some of my images look like when they get up in the morning!
Here it is B-side shoe shots. Busted down to pretests.
These are amazing!
Wish I look half as good as my shoes when I first wake-up in the morning 😉