I get asked all the time, “Where did the name Applehead come from?” and without hesitation, my answer is simple, Drunken Immaturity.
For years I had no idea where this photo was. I thought it was a print that disappeared but I was doing some archiving the other day on some really old drives and found this, appropriately named, ‘applefudge’ sitting as the first image on the drive. Its a tiny little 600×600 bmp file but it still lives.
It was before I even owned an actual camera that we were partying at my buddy, Jeff’s place, sometime back in early 2000-something. It was an average night and Fudge decided to wind down early and fall asleep in the chair in the middle of the living room…and we took full advantage of it. We starting putting things on his head and taking pictures. The apple head is the one image that stuck around. I don’t recall ever seeing any others from the late night series of ‘things on Fudge’s head’ and we’re all better for that. Can you imagine telling people your wedding photographers are ‘Scrotum Head Studio’.
So we all had a few laughs and that was that.
A few years later, I picked up a camera and started shooting for friends and family and anyone else who would let me shoot them. Out of nowhere, and I don’t know where it was or what the photo shoot involved, but my reliably witty friend, Jeff MacLean chirps in with his baritone sarcasm, “what the fuck is this, Applehead Studio?”
And so it was born.
(Jeff MacLean grew up to be a very successful physiotherapist and lives in Sydney, Nova Scotia with his wife, Steph and two kids, Rowan + Carly. Keith Fudge grew up to be GM at Adessa and currently lives in Moncton, New Brunswick with his partner Jill and two kids, Nathan + Hannah. Both men continue to mention dividends and profit sharing in every interaction. Legal cases are pending. )