Applehead Studio Photography

  • bride and groom being lifted up by people at a wedding
  • bride and groom riding in a 'just married' tractor
  • bride and groom riding a motor cycle at a halifax wedding

Extraordinary Photographers

“Risk-takers who have boldly created their own path and style, Liam Hennessey and Stephanie Camp have a way of drawing people in and transporting them into a fascinating world. One with unexpected humor, heart-felt emotions, beautiful lighting and composition, and endless creativity…” Junebug Weddings

Award Winning Photography

Applehead Studio Photography is an international award winning photography studio located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada that offers commercial photography, headshot photography, graduation portraits and event photography and more.

Grad Campus Photos by Applehead Studio
Grad Portraits Campus Collection, and Grace too.
September 3, 2021 by liam hennessey 

As the summer winds down and we get back to hoodie weather, we’re still making time for grad portraits...

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SMU Grad Photos
Saint Mary’s Graduation Photos
August 30, 2021 by liam hennessey 

Hey SMU grads, did you know that you have options when it comes to your graduation photos!? Grad photos...

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grad portraits high school + university
Grad Portraits 
Graduation Photos – A Room full of University Degrees
July 21, 2021 by liam hennessey 

  If you had told me a year ago that after the pandemic, we’d have an entire room dedicated...

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